Information for walkers

The Camino Salvado was established in 2008 and follows The Pilgrims Trail from Subiaco to New Norcia in the spirit of Dom Rosendo Salvado, the founder of New Norcia. Since its inception, two walks have been held in August/September for groups of 24 pilgrims and organized by a group of volunteers from St Josephs Parish in Subiaco, Perth WA.
2014 marks the Bicentenary of the birth of Bishop Salvado and we anticipate more and more people will want to walk the Trail. The Pilgrim Trail Foundation - a not for profit registered Charity - have appointed Inspiration Outdoors to organize groups to meet the anticipated demand.
To find out more about the history of the Camino Salvado, please click on the link. If you wish to inquire about booking a place on a Camino for next year, then click on Inspiration Outdoors.